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Why would you leave, if everything around you seemingly requests you to stay? Where exactly would you go if you had actually arrived long ago - just unfortunately a while too soon? Sometimes there is this deep longing, without it being clear what it is for. And then?

Malte Huck had never really asked those questions, but found an answer anyway; at least, for himself. In 2021 he founded BEACHPEOPLE, which are his idea of who he could be and how he wants to sound. After successful, busy, and pandemic times full of breakups and departures, BEACHPEOPLE are his forum for sharing his thoughts and inner demons with the world. In the process, something is built and torn, rediscovered and recognized, remembered and explored. BEACHPEOPLE lose, search and find themselves - and not even necessarily in that order. The constant contemplation results in creative abrasion that leads to damage as well as a warm heart.
The low fidelity style of BEACHPEOPLE only needs a guitar at first, some drums, and a voice. A voice that impressively masters the balancing act between restraint and expressive power to affect and take along the audience with just a few words and a lot of feeling. The result could be placed somewhere between folk music, indie-rock and bedroom pop. However, fitting BEACHPEOPLE within one specific music genre would not do them justice - too diverse are the perceptible different artistic influences.
BEACHPEOPLE are an open system, a project, that may well become a band - at least during live performances. It may also turn into a collective of artists that never ceases to evolve. BEACHPEOPLE are a vision that has long since matured, yet continues to grow.
Maybe BEACHPEOPLE are best described as a house that has many rooms, most of which have not yet been opened up, perhaps not even tracked down yet. Malte Huck has built this house to have a safe haven, a comfort zone or a stage - depending on what is needed. And sometimes, when the time is right and the rhythm is in sync, friends come and turn the house into a home. They participate and contribute, add further rooms and maybe even a garden for new melodies and lyrics to grow. And each time a new song has been written and sung, a huge party is celebrated and anyone, who can hear or feel the magic, is invited to join.